Agreement of Farmer and CSA Member

The Mary’s Land Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) strives to provide as  much of the member’s diet as possible by providing fresh and healthy produce, eggs, breads, dairy and meat, that are all raised locally and responsibly.

Our CSA members buy a share of what the farm produces, helping to cover the costs of labor, seed, irrigation, compost, packing supplies and the myriad of components our farm needs to produce healthy local food. The member shares some of the risk that the farm carries in planting, tending and harvesting crops. In exchange, CSA members receive the First Fruits of our labor.

Mary’s Land Farm’s Commitment To You

CSA Members receive the First Fruits, meaning:

1. CSA Members get the Highest Priority for our Products. We are growing for the CSA first. What isn’t sold in the CSA is sold retail in our store. In other words, if we have a limited quantity of fresh lettuce, it’s going to the CSA member first. If we have a limited egg yield, eggs are going to the CSA members first. We expect all of our organic orchard products to be sold through the CSA.

2. CSA Members get the Freshest Products. Because you are subscribing to our service, we know when your CSA must be ready. For example – we can harvest for you on Monday or early Tuesday morning because we know you are coming on Tuesday afternoon.

3. CSA Members have more packaging options. CSA members can opt to recieive their eggs on a recyclable flat or their lettuce with the roots on in a simple plastic bag instead of washed in a clamshell. These are options we cannot offer to in the store.

We will provide you with our farm produced items, along with  items furnished by other local farms that are good tasting and good for you. These products fill the food gaps that we cannot. For example, we will now provide you with baked goods, dairy items, fermented products and seafood from other farms and local producers. However, those producers must meet our  ethical and environmental standards.

Purchasing Flexibility  – Members will have a highly functional online CSA management system, administered by Farmigo, which has been improved upon  every year since 2009. You can put your subscription on hold when you are out of town, and you are able to swap out items from the standard share and  receive a Farmigo credit which may be used to buy other products.

Member Commitment To The Farm

By becoming a Mary’s Land Farm CSA Member, you agree to the following:


We provide bonuses for subscribers who make larger payments to help us finance the long term operation of our farm.



Autopay Option: If you choose Autopay, your account will be automatically charged every  time the balance falls below $40, and you will receive an email notification of the charge.

Communication:  Mary’s Land Farm publishes a weekly newsletter that subscribers receive via email. A searchable database of newsletters is also available online. The newsletter will announce any important changes in delivery schedule, prices, policies, etc. The newsletter is available on our website under “Member News”.

By agreeing to join our CSA, you are also agreeing to read email communications from us, which often include:

        • Notice of account balance below $50

        • Box on hold notice

        • Site pick-up changes and updates

        • Special announcements (new items available, delivery changes due to holidays, etc.)

Please add to your address book to protect our communications from spam filters.

Participative Process: Please give the farm feedback about box quality and contents by emailing the farm at Please include the name on your account so that we can respond accordingly.

Refund / Credit: If a member believes they deserve a credit for poor quality, damaged, or otherwise unsaleable produce, please email the farm an explanation with a picture. Ideally the picture would contain any lot numbers seen or expiration dates to help the farm track down the problem. The farm will evaluate cases individually.

Ready to become a member?

Click on the CSA signup on our website. A confirmation of your account, pickup location details, and start date will be automatically emailed to you.

Referral Credit: The farm values member loyalty and would like to reward you for spreading the word. If you refer someone to our program, ask them to mention your name on signup, and we will give you a $25 referral credit in the Farmigo system.

Cancellation: To cancel your CSA subscription, please give two weeks notice by sending  an email to 

Pickup Location Etiquette:
• Please observe the pick-up times carefully.
• Take only the box with your name on it, and remind your friend to do the same if they are pickin up for you.
• Do not look through other people’s boxes. All the like-sized boxes contain the same items. Please return your boxes for recycling.

Thank you for supporting your local farmer!

Now Taking Pre-orders for Easter Hams and Lamb Roasts 

Impress your guests with local & tasty Pasture-Raised Pork Hams or Lamb Roasts. Orders due March 22 for pickup March 23-30.